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Discover the latest in sustainable fitness innovation with The Gym Bag's (TGB) New Non-Slip, Non-Toxic, Eco-Friendly Yoga Mat. Designed with your well-being and the environment in mind, this yoga mat sets a new standard for your practice.


Available in a duo of vibrant colors with a unique double-sided design, this mat allows you to personalize your yoga experience and switch up your style with ease. Not just a feast for the eyes, its non-slip surface ensures stability and safety, allowing you to move confidently into each pose.

Crafted from eco-friendly materials, this mat is a testament to TGB's commitment to non-toxic, sustainable practices. It's gentle on the planet and safe for yogis of all levels.


And because style should never sacrifice convenience, each TGB Yoga Mat comes equipped with a chic string carrier. This thoughtful addition means you can effortlessly transport your mat to and from class, ensuring you're always ready to flow in style.


Choose The Gym Bag Yoga Mat for a practice that's as conscious as it is stylish, and carry your passion for yoga with pride and peace of mind.


Get the Mat

Excluding Sales Tax |
  • Wipe off with a non-harsh disinfectant agent after every use. 

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